Beef Extract

Beef Extract


Produced from fresh beef. beef extract has water-soluble substance such as creatine, polypeptide, amino acid, nucleotide, organic acid, mineral and vitamin. In addition, it contains many sulfurs acid, and has more vitamins and other growth factors needed by the growth of bacteria.


This product is used for fermentation process in bio-pharma, medium preparation, and supplementing peptone/nitrogen source.

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Quality standard 

(1) Sensory index

Items Beef extract Beef powder
Morphology Paste Powder, no clumping
Color Yellowish brown to dark brown Light yellow to light brown powder
Odor Inherent smell of the product, no other peculiar smell
Impurity No visible impurity


(2) Physicochemical index

Items Beef extract Beef powder
Industrial grade Industrial grade
Loss on Drying % ≤35.0 ≤7.0
Total nitrogen

(on DM)      %

≥12.0 ≥12.0
Amino nitrogen

(on DM)      %

≤3.0 ≤3.0

(on DM)      %

≤10.0 ≤10.0
Sodium chloride

(on DM) %

__ __
PH (2% solution) 5.0—7.0 5.0—7.0
Acid solution &

alkalescence high-pressure test

__ __
Solubility,(2% solution) Soluble Soluble