How do I pick the right peptone for my need?

Selecting the optimal peptone depends on a lot of factors. For instance, many producers will not be able to use peptone originated from animals due to religious reasons. And while certain products may look acceptable on the data sheet, they may yield less acceptable results in practice. Therefore, we recommend our clients to try different products (sometimes blended together) to characterize the key drivers that can affect your production performance before making an order. Moreover, because of the inherent variability in production process and raw material, even peptones from the same production line using the same materials can show different characteristics. As a result, ensuring the uniform quality of each batch is a key driver for peptone producers’ success, and choosing the right peptone supplier is essential for your production consistency.

Yuantide has been in peptone production business for over 10 years, and with decades of experience in relevant industries, we can help you choose the right peptone for your needs.