Fish Peptone

Fish Peptone

Using the deep-sea cod as the main raw material, the fish peptone is produced by enzymatic hydrolysis process and microorganism fermentation. The main components are small peptides (high content of nitrogen) and powder products of amino acid, and the content of small peptide is higher than that of bone peptone, making it easier for microbial absorption microbial growth acceleration.


Widely used in the fermentation industry of antibiotics, vitamin, amino acid, organic acid, enzyme preparation and xanthan gum, providing organic nitrogen source of high quality for microbial fermentation.

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Quality standard

(1) Sensory index

Items Requirements
Morphology Powder, no clumping
Color Light yellow or milky white powder
Impurity No visible impurity


(2) Physicochemical index

Items Industrial grade Pharmaceutical grade
Total nitrogen

(on DM)      %

≥14.0 ≥14.0
Amino nitrogen

(on DM )      %

≥2.0 ≥2.0

(on DM )      %

≤6.0 ≤6.0
Loss on Drying    % ≤7.0
Sodium chloride

(on DM)

__ __
Nitrite __
PH (2% solution) 5.0—7.0
Acid solution &

alkalescency high-pressure test



Solubility,(2% water) Soluble Complete